Crew How-To: UMPLIFE Flex Umpire Shin Guard Harness

Are your legs irritated by stock shin guard straps?
Watch as we install this innovative solution from our friends at UMPLIFE for ultimate comfort.

Products Featured In This Video

All-Star Cobalt Umpire Shin Guards

All-Star Cobalt Umpire Shin Guards

Minimalist Wrap-Around Design


Diamond iX3 Umpire Shin Guards

Diamond iX3 Umpire Shin Guards

Sizes 17" & 18.5”


Force3 Ultimate Umpire Shin Guards With Dupont™ Kevlar®

Force3 Ultimate Umpire Shin Guards With Dupont™ Kevlar®

CYBER WEEK BOGO Offer with F3 Chest Protector
